Caught By Your Love
Maybe it's the patience you bring to all things
weather sautéing a filet or solving a problem
Perhaps it's the way you listen when I can't hear myself
so you can guide me to shore
Possibly it's your beautiful eyes, reflecting pools
where I can see myself as cherished,
especially when I have forgotten to like who I am
It could be how the touch of your hand comforts me back to sleep when I wake at three in the morning
fearful about some foolish thing that won't
be a pebble ten years down the riverbed from now
Conceivably it's the surging stream of your devotion
surrounding me in my most solitary moments
or the way you've taught me by your generosity
how I could afford to nurture myself
and you without skimping
It might be all these reasons and ones
I don't yet understand even after all these years
that have hooked my heart and made me
so grateful to be caught
by your love
Arlene Gay Levine
First published in Wedding Blessings
(Random House/Broadway Books)